The College of Forestry initiated a training on Capability Building on Sustainable Production of High-quality Bamboo Propagules, Plantation Establishment and post-harvest technology among bamboo growers in the province of Kalinga, and it is attended by the participants from the DENR, private sectors, and individuals who are bamboo grower enthusiasts gathered for the two-day training on sustainable Bamboo production, starting June 20-21, 2024, at the College of Forestry building.

Spearheaded by the project team leader, Forester Victorino D. Bayed, and his members, this training targeted 40 participants who will benefit from the discussions of Bamboo Propagation Techniques, Care, and Maintenance of bamboo Propagules, Plantation Establishment and Clump Management, Harvesting, and post-harvesting technology during Day 1 apart from instilling the importance of Bamboo in a global perspective. Field Work and actual demonstration by the training team are expected on D2 with an open forum and Training Evaluation. Speakers on the different Topics are the experts from the Project Team, Forester Victorino D. Bayed, Dr. Robert A. Rodolfo, and Forester Martha D. Baliaga.

This initiative on Bamboo preservation, sustainability, and production was mentioned to be highly supported by many including Senator Loren Legarda as she generously funded this program and simultaneously initiated by all state universities & colleges within region CAR while the province of Kalinga under the leadership of Hon. James S. Edduba also created the Bamboo Industry Development Council or provincial executive order #48.

This assertive effort embarks the university’s support to the advocacy in instilling the significance of Bamboo not just to our usual knowledge of its importance but also considering its relevance from a global perspective.

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