Despite the unexpected challenge posed by Typhoon Egay, Kalinga State University demonstrated unwavering resilience and determination as it weathered the storm and successfully reached the finale of its 2-day hybrid “Conference on Gender Studies”. Held on July 27-28, 2023, the conference was hosted by Kalinga State University, spearheaded by the Dinayao Center under the leadership of its director, Dr. Irene Calsiyao, in collaboration with KSU GAD, led by Director Ms. Irene Daguasi, and with the support of various committees. The conference’s theme, “Rethinking Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Directions in the Now Normal,” set the stage for profound discussions and insights into fostering a more inclusive society.

The event commenced with enthusiasm as Conference Chair Dr. Irene Calsiyao extended a warm welcome to all participants, acknowledging their presence and commitment to the cause. Dr. Lope Buen, the Vice President for Research and Development, followed suit with a heartfelt address, underscoring the significance of the conference’s deliberations in shaping a more equitable world. The inspirational message delivered by KSU President Eduardo T. Bagtang set the tone for the entire conference, reminding attendees of the vital role they play in reshaping gender equality and contributing to sustainable development.

The keynote speech, delivered by Mr. Ferdinand Gonzales, proved to be an enlightening highlight of the first day. Mr. Gonzales focused on the 5Ms in GAD: milieu, model, method, measurement, and motivation, laying a solid foundation for in-depth explorations of gender-related issues throughout the conference. Dr. Jocelyn Tuscano, a prominent plenary speaker on the first day, delved into the significance of CMO1s 2015, emphasizing Gender and Development (GAD) in the curriculum and its role in fostering gender equality and empowerment.

After the enriching plenary sessions, participants both online and onsite actively engaged in breakout sessions, categorized into four domains. These sessions provided an invaluable platform for deeper discussions, knowledge sharing, and critical analysis of various gender-related topics.

The night of the first day was a celebration of joy and cultural appreciation as visitors were treated to a pajatong showcasing traditional gongs, dances, and a Cordillerian-way of welcoming visitors.

On the second day of the conference, attendees were privileged to have Dr. Gin Genaro V. Japos as the second plenary speaker. Dr. Japos enlightened the audience on the importance of Gender in Research and Statistics and the potential of harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in advancing this field. The afternoon continued with parallel sessions, providing participants with further opportunities to delve deeper into specific topics, exchange ideas, and foster meaningful collaborations.

The successful conclusion of the 2-day hybrid Conference on Gender Studies marks a milestone in Kalinga State University’s commitment to promoting gender equality. Dr. Irene Calsiyao, the director of the Dinayao Center, expressed her gratitude to all the participants, speakers, and organizing committee members who contributed to the conference’s success. She emphasized that this event serves as a catalyst for further action and collaboration, guiding the path towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

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