Readers’ Services
The reader’s services provides assistance to the library users for effective, efficient and easier access and retrieval of library materials. It provides circulation as well as periodical service. The Librarians’ duties include general bibliographical inquiries (OPAC), lending services, interlibrary loans, ordering, checking-in, claiming, and binding of periodical literature, etc.
This service is done personally by the librarians and they are directly involved in serving library clientele.
Circulation Services
The circulation function in the library involves every use of library material and the successful performance of these functions is a measure of effectiveness of all other duties. The circulation involves lending, renewal, maintenance of books, maintenance of statistics and survey of user’s needs. The Librarians and Library staff are responsible for this function, assisted by student library assistants.
Referral Services
Referral service is given to a library clientele when directed to an agency or expert outside the library wherefrom the information may be obtained. If library materials are not available in KSU libraries, the researcher is referred to other libraries. KSU students/ Faculty/ Personnel are furnished with a request letter prepared by the college librarian addressed to the librarian of the institution where the researcher wishes to visit.
KSU Libraries reciprocate this service by allowing qualified researchers from other institutions to use KSU library resources.
Reference Services
Reference service is the supreme and ultimate function of the library.
The librarian answers questions of users and provide clientele the needed materials. It is expected that a reference librarian must be well versed on the different reference tools, knows the current issues and events and must have a good background on general education. The task ranges from finding the answers particular questions, or even performing extensive searches to maintaining a good reference collection, and assisting clients to find information themselves.
e-Resources Services/ e-Library Services
E-Resources refer to information materials that require computer access, whether through a personal, mainframe or handheld mobile device; they may either be accessed remotely through the KSU Library webpage or at the E-Library Section.
Reference resources are from authorized databases acquired in order to provide students with access to authoritative databases. This is free of charge.
Technical Services
Technical Services are the behind-the-scenes activities that a library undertakes to process library materials before they are loaned to clientele. These activities include ordering, classifying and cataloging, preparing materials for the library shelves, inventory, and weeding. Other technical services include the activities related to acquiring donated materials, repairing and preservation of library materials.
Other Services Offered by the Library;
- Multimedia Services
The Library aspires to deliver the needs of the academic community taking into consideration all formats. The AVR provides an audio-visual support service to facilitate the teaching and learning activities of the university.
- Photocopying Services
Photocopying services are available to all University Libraries.
- Promotional Services
It is important that the library promotes its services to all its potential clients, so that it is well used and its value appreciated. It involves the following activities:
a. Displays
List of newly acquired books are displayed at the bulletin board. Newly acquired books are displayed at the display shelves before they are shelved at their perspective section.
b. Current Awareness Bulletin
The library bulletin contains news about details of new services, list of new acquisitions and other items likely of interest to library costumers.
c. Library Orientation
An orientation on the proper use of the library facilities, different library services and library resources is given at the beginning of the school year to all students. The library policies are given and explained. Library orientation and tour is also done in cooperation with English classes/teachers and upon proper coordination with the librarians.
- Securing Clearance
Library clientele are cleared from library obligations upon returning all borrowed library materials.
The following must obtain a library clearance:
1. Faculty members (permanent, casual, & part time) every end of the semester.
2. Faculty members, non-teaching staff & administrators who are resigning or applying for a leave of absence, or are separated from the university.
3. Names of students with obligations from the library are submitted to the Accounting Office for reference of accountability.
- Services to Outside Researchers
KSU libraries recognize their commitment to provide library resources and services primarily to the KSU community; however, in the name of community services and interlibrary services, the University Libraries extend the use of its resources by accommodating students from other schools, colleges and universities, researches from agencies and private individuals from Kalinga or neighboring municipalities. This privilege however is governed by some requirements and restrictions